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 The Center for Resilience Research        

At The Center for Resilience Research, we aim to study Resilience in various aspects.

The Center for Resilience Research (CRR)  aims to strengthen research in resilience via multidisciplinary collaboration to contributes the results to the academic and practice. We will investigate the issues in four units of analysis, individual, industrial, social, and national resilience. Each level of research is conducted by the researchers with the corresponding expertise to engage with problem domains and to practice engaged scholarship.

Upcoming Activity

  • Fri, Oct 25
    2024 衛生法律與政策年度研討會
    Oct 25, 2024, 10:00 AM – Oct 26, 2024, 12:30 PM
    清華大學台積館, No. 621號, Baoshan Rd, East District, Hsinchu City, Taiwan 300
    「2024衛生法律與政策年度研討會:健康一體的法制創新與韌性建構」將於10/25-10/26在清華大學舉行! 韌性研究中心非常榮幸成為合辦單位,韌性研究子計畫教授林勤富教授也將在研討會中進行發表及擔任主持,研討會內容包防疫措施與治理成效之回顧與檢討;傳染病治理、國際貿易、世界衛生組織新公約等等,對於國家韌性議題有興趣的夥伴千萬別錯過!

Talent development and recruitment


Paper & Books Publication


International Interaction


Number of participants in community training activities


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