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About K-assistant

Residemy uses generative AI and software agent technology to develop personal "Knowledge Assistant" (K-assistant) to help lower the threshold of personal knowledge exposure, translation, communication, and interaction. This promotes the creation and realization of knowledge within the resilience research community. Through the services of K-assistants, the frequency of knowledge exchange among members is improved, thereby demonstrating the “resilience” of the resilience research community.

Document Information Extraction and Summary

The knowledge assistant analyzes research documents, extracts information based on specified items, and generates document summaries. It can also conduct question-and-answer sessions and retrieve key information based on the document content.

Expert Search and Q&A

Users can set personal information and provide knowledge in fields the knowledge assistant is familiar with. The knowledge assistant will compile the background information set by experts and the knowledge accumulated in the past, which can be disclosed for members to search, provide consultation, and retrieve knowledge.

Knowledge Learning Service

Users can search for knowledge or learning activities shared by others, click to participate in knowledge exchange or learning activities, and communicate with the knowledge expert indirectly (through knowledge assistants) or directly through the knowledge assistants of both parties. This allows for learning and sharing knowledge.

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