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Our Research


Our Research Focus

In 2022, with rich insights and experimented knowledge from previous studies, we are moving further to boost resilience research and practice in academics and industries in cross-cutting domains. The "Center for Resilience Research (CRR)" will discuss resilience-related issues in four analysis levels: individual, industry, society, and country. We aim to develop grounded academics and the theory and practice of Resilience research in the academic community and gradually become a top research centre for global resilience research. 

The research team members come from different academic backgrounds and methodologies and respond to these four research questions at different levels with cross-domain knowledge integration. Academic expertise includes research and practice in service science, service design and innovation, information systems, artificial intelligence, data analysis, psychological counselling, entrepreneurship and industrial development, sustainable urban and rural development, national policy, knowledge management and practical community development, R&D experience. 


Principle: Engaged Scholarship


Our Research Framework

In response to the diverse and cross-disciplinary methodology of the research themes of this project team, how to combine the participating project members and the operation of the centre to exert the co-creation relationship between organizational development and project benefits is an essential attempt of this research project, with the opportunity for verification. 

Residemy Research

Research Project

Project Name

Execution Schedule

The Humanities and Social Sciences Benchmark Projects of the Ministry of Education


The Second Phase of the Higher Education SPROUT Project


Industry-University Cooperation

Project Name

Cooperating Units

Execution Schedule

Smart vending machines, advance to Beipu Township

Beipu Township Farmers Association

Farmers Association Resilience Building Project

Beipu Township Farmers Association



〈OSCAR Sustainability〉Biannual Publication

Net-zero Supply Chain Alliance for Resilience


Coming Soon...



Extension Education Courses

Course Title

Execution Schedule

Resilient and Sustainable ESG Management:

The Way of Sustainability and the Learning of Building Resilience


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