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Fu-Ren Lin

​Chief Sustainability Officer, National Tsing Hua University

Professor of Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University

Director of Center for Resilience Research, National Tsing Hua University

(03) 5742216


Fu-Ren Lin is the professor and the founding director of the Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. He was graduated from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1996 with Ph.D. degree in Information Systems. He taught in the Department of Information Management, National Sun Yat-sen University until 2004. He joined the Institute of Technology Management in National Tsing Hua University until the Institute of Service Science was launched in 2008. He has been doing research in various topics, such as supply chain management, business process re-engineering, e-commerce, knowledge management, and data/text mining since graduation. Based on the prior academic background and methodologies, he started to focus on service innovation related issues in service science research, including new service development, healthcare service engagement, and service experience design, service value network analysis. His research results have been published in domain related journals, such as INFORMS Service Science, International Journal of e-Commerce, Decision Support System, Information Systems and e-Business Management, Information Processing and Management, Electronic Commerce Research and Application, Computer and Education, Sustainability, etc. He also actively serves for academic communities. He co-chairs the minitrack of Service Science in the Hawaii International Conference of System Sciences (HICSS) since 2008. He also serves for editorial boards of INFORMS Service Science and Information Systems and e-Business Management. He served as the general secretary for the Service Science Society of Taiwan (s3tw) to develop service science academic community in Taiwan during 2011~2017. Besides research and academic service, Prof. Lin has been actively practicing engaged scholarship to connect his research and teaching with real-world problems, especially in the regional revitalization issues, aiming to contribute to the societies via service science theories and practices. Since 2019, Prof. Lin has been endeavoring to integrate service
science with sustainability to foster engaged scholarship in various initiatives, such as the development of service eco-systems for regional revitalization, and for university sustainability.


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