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Mei-Chih Hu

Professor of Institute of Technology Management
National Tsing Hua University



Professor Mei-Chih Hu is a distinguished scholar at the Institute of Technology Management, National Tsing Hua University. With a rich academic background, her research interests encompass the national innovation system, East Asian latecomers strategy, intellectual property rights management, and emerging technologies and markets. In her teaching pursuits, she focuses on intellectual property rights, entrepreneurship and startups, new energy economics, markets, and policies, as well as innovation and transformation.

Prof. Hu holds multiple patents and has extensive experience in the field of intellectual property. She actively engages in academic communities, serving as co-editor-in-chief, advisory editor, and editorial board member for various journals. Furthermore, she has been honored with numerous academic awards, including the Dean's Award for Outstanding Research from National Tsing Hua University and the Best Paper Award from the International Association of Management of Technology (IAMOT). Prof. Hu plays a vital role in advancing technology innovation and entrepreneurship, committed to nurturing the next generation of technology management professionals.


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